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Employee Talks with Tomás Oliveira | Web & Graphic Designer

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Published on 12 May, 2022 • Last updated on 20 May, 2022

By Portugal Homes

Employee Talks with Tomás Oliveira | Web & Graphic Designer
Tomás is born and raised in Portugal, with a degree in Marketing Management, and a specialization in Graphic Design, and has work experience for some of the most well-known news media companies in Portugal as a Digital Ad Manager. Aside from his passion for design, and UX/UI, you will find Tomás practicing numerous sports, from biking to swimming, and also indulging in some “geeking out” mode with videogames.
At Portugal Homes, Tomás Oliveira is the man behind our branding graphics, social media promotional posts and videos, Portugal Homes branding collateral, and also has recently undertaken an important task with the revamp of our coming soon new website, built from the ground up using his outstanding UX & UI skills. Aside from Tomás top notch design skills, and creativity, he is also very witty, with a great sense of humour!
Tomás Oliveira, Web & Graphic Designer.
Meet Tomás Oliveira, Portugal Homes, part of Harland & Poston Group Team Member
What is a regular workday like for you?

Well, to be honest, it depends on the type of project that I'm working on, but essentially it involves a lot of time thinking, researching, AB testing and designing. And as a designer, I need to do multiple layouts for different purposes until I achieve the perfect outcome in terms of the design that I'm currently working on.

What drives you to push our Harland & Poston Group branding further?

The fact that we are a relatively young company at the market and also the thrill of coming up with different and creative solutions for our daily problems and tasks.

How do you come up with a visual/creative for an online advertisement?

Well, it depends on the briefing that I receive, but usually I go through a process that involves mental concepts, and by that I mean initially visualize the ad in my head how I want it to look. After that, I do some research so I can gather ideas and inspiration from other sources. Moreover, I also get into design doing multiple layouts until I achieve the best possible outcome and if possible, via the lower I do some or I add some type of animation. So the ad itself has a bit of movement.

Which part of your job do you enjoy most?

I would have to go with time management because when you are designing you have to be able to fulfill the desired task in a tight schedule. And we work at a really fast pace. So yeah, time management is my answer to that question. 

You were hired during the Covid 19 lockdown, what do you think of the company’s onboarding before and after returning to the office?

Well, the onboarding went pretty smooth to be honest. I was able to meet up, physically meet with the team, which allowed me to bond in a better way with them because I didn't do it virtually. About the return to the office, Everything is going great. We respect and follow every health protocol. So in that sense, everything is going fine. And it's also nice to be gathered up again with my co-workers.

What’s one professional skill you’re currently working on to improve?

I would have to go clearly with my video editing skills because I definitely feel that there's room for improvement there.

Does Portugal Homes motivate you to go beyond what you would in a similar role elsewhere?

Yes. Like I said, we are a rather young company and that allows for room for creation. And by that I mean that as a designer, it is a process that I really like to be part of because it allows for you to follow up or create from scratch. And it's always great to be part of such a process.

Do you think that the varied cultures and backgrounds the company has can inspire creativity and drive innovation?

Yes. Because when you gather up people with different backgrounds and different perspectives, you are bound to get a much better solution. And I honestly think that's one of the biggest highlights of our company. We have such a rich background that allows us to come up with really, really interesting solutions for our clients.

 Curiosities & Facts about Tomás:

  • Tomás is a big fan of Marvel Comics, in particular his favourite action character is Spiderman.
  • He loves playing Wordle during his downtime at work.
  • Tomas dabbles in several avenues, from 3D printed toys to home improvement DIYs.
  • He also is an avid football fanatic, always up to date with current events within the football realm.

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Employee Talks by Portugal Homes, part of Harland & Poston Group - MEET THE TEAM

Meet the Portugal Homes Team at our Employee Talks Series, here.


Employee Talks is a part of Portugal Homes - Harland & Poston Group’s marketing strategy. Our employees and their backgrounds are the company’s greatest asset, hence our belief in sharing the employees’ thoughts on working at this company shows our ability to differentiate, cultivate and promote our identity to not only candidates interested in working here, but also clients who are purchasing with us. We want our viewers to understand why we stand out from the crowd and think it’s a great opportunity for you to get to know us better.

Portugal Homes is a part of Harland & Poston company.

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